Despite all of the talk about whether artificial intelligence algorithms will replace doctors, Eric Topol isnt worried. Topol is a cardiologist at the Scripps Research Institute, a geneticist, and the author of several books about the future of health care.尽管大家都在谈论人工智能算法或将代替医生,但艾瑞克·托波尔(Eric Topol)并不担忧。托波尔是斯克里普斯研究所(Scripps Research)的一名心脏病专家,也是一位遗传学家,同时还写出了几本关于医疗保健未来的书籍。
His newest book is called Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again (out now from Basic Books). Topol argues that humans will always crave the bond of being cared for by other humans and that AI can help enhance that bond and bring it back - if doctors are willing to stand up to business interests.《深度医学:人工智能使医疗保健再度人性化》(Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again)是他的新作(由基本图书公司出版发行)。托波尔指出,人类总是渴求获得他人的关心,人工智能有助强化这种联系,使其再次经常出现--前提是医生精辟商业利益的欲望。The Verge spoke to Topol about how health care works today, health privacy concerns in the age of AI, and the importance of physician activism. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity.The Verge杂志与托波尔对话,谈论医疗保健在当今社会的运转、人工智能时代的身体健康隐私问题,以及医生积极主动的重要性。
为确切起见,我们对这次专访加以稍微编辑。Before we talk about how AI will affect health care and the patient-doctor relationship, can you tell me what that relationship looks like right now?在我们探究人工智能对医疗保健和对医患关系的影响前,您能再行说道说道这种关系的现状吗?The relationship has deteriorated. Its actually dreadful. The patient is short-changed because you get so little time with your doctor and also dont even get eye contact out of that little bit of time. And its not just time. Its the distraction of doctors serving as data clerks. Youre not going to be a good listener in that case. Doctors are terribly disenchanted and disillusioned and burned out and depressed.这种关系早已好转,已到了可怕的境地。患者受到了愚弄,因为患者与医生共处的时间很少,而且在这么较短的时间内,患者也无法与医生展开眼神交流。
医生十分沮丧,他们的幻想幻灭,十分失望和哀伤。Plus, we have all of this data - collected from genomes and sensors - and its all dressed up with nowhere to go. I open the book with one of the stories that reinforced that for me, which is that this information was not being processed by doctors and the people who looked after me, and that hurt me and my recovery.此外,我们从基因组和传感器搜集的数据竟然无处可去。我关上病历本,其中一件事加剧了我对这一问题的印象:我的诊治信息没被医生和照料者处置,从而对我导致损害,影响了康复。
That reinforced that if all of this data were teed up for people, we could make things safer and have better outcomes and have things be more efficient, but clinicians are too busy. They cant possibly get their arms around each persons data. I think the transformative potential of AI is in its power to enhance the human aspect of medicine, which is something weve lost.如果这些数据都获得处置,为人民服务,一切就不会显得更加安全性、带给更佳的结果、更高的效率,但临床医生太忙了。他们不太可能掌控每个人的数据。所以我指出人工智能的变革潜力在于它强化医疗人性化的能力,而这正是我们丧失的东西。